Using web-based resources in Secondary Science

Using web-based resources in Secondary Science

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The internet has many useful resources to support secondary science.You can bookmark these resources and use them offline, or download them and adapt them to meet the teaching and learning of specific key objectives.The examples given here describe a number of lessons in which ICT is used effectively to support the teaching and learning of science at Key Stages 3 and 4.The examples show just one of the many ways in which these web-based resources can be used. They are just that – examples of how  the resources could be used.You will have your own ideas which will be just as relevant as those given here.

When planning your science lessons you will probably want to start with the National Curriculum statements, or those learning objectives in your own scheme of work. When planning Key Stage 3 lessons reference should also be made to the yearly teaching objectives from the Key Stage 3 Framework and/or the learning objectives set out in the DfES/QCA exemplar scheme of work for Key Stage 3. ICT should be chosen as a resource only if it will support the lesson’s learning objectives.When used appropriately ICT can enhance teaching and learning, for example, by providing animations and video clips of the concepts involved, which can help pupils to understand scientific phenomena. ICT can also give pupils and teachers an opportunity to use a model to change variables and investigate the effects in situations that are impossible to create in the classroom.

If you have access to a projector and a large-screen, or liquid crystal display (LCD), ICT can enhance the learning of a whole class because pupils then have access to a shared experience. For example, you can demonstrate how to use a datalogger to collect and analyse data (for instance, changes of mass when an acid reacts with carbonate salts) and display the information graphically, or model concepts and ideas using software simulations and video. Pupils can benefit from the interactive nature of the technologies to explain and present their work.

The role of the teacher is paramount in raising standards in science.When ICT is used as a demonstration tool it allows teachers to:

• show scientific concepts and models

• explain and ask questions

• stimulate discussion

• invite interpretations of what is displayed

• encourage individuals to give a response, explanation or make a prediction.

Publication Date: 2003

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