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Telling digital tales

Knowledge and experience about digital innovation in education has never been more important that during this unpredictable pandemic. But are teachers and pupils being supported well enough?

MirandaNet Fellows can help. We have created a vast and valuable resource about education innovation collated since 1994.  In many cases MirandaNet Fellows have worked together across regional and national borders

In projects that have explored the potential of technology in teaching and learning. This resource represents the knowledge and experience of 1,500 digital innovators as our knowledge about technology, pedagogy and education has grown.

At a time when the computing offering has been drastically reduced in English schools, both as a subject and as a cross curricula tool, international Fellows are being invited to examine the past research and research that we have been involved in to identify what will be useful to colleagues who are working in reduced circumstances.

We will be working with our sister organisations the new Technology, Pedagogy and Education (Formerly ITTE) professional organisation, MESHGuides, CFSA and Naace so that the knowledge and experience are widely spread. Most of all we want to provide the best resources we can for early career educators as well as their leaders.

What can we do?

We invite colleagues with a background in education technology to write a 500/600 blog or offer a talking head about how their past work can be used to inform the present. You might already have the core of a blog in a report summary or conclusions about findings that can be repurposed. At the bottom of the blog/video we will ask them to reference the reports and research that have had most influence on them since the 1980s when digital technologies were introduced into education. This might be your own work or the work of colleagues.

What can we cover?

At the moment the intention is to invite people who are expert in different areas. Please suggest further headings as well as offering to get involved: (A-Z)

  • Building professional e-communities
  • Cross curricular approaches
  • Professional development for teachers
  • Programming in school
  • Student publishing
  • Student platforms
  • The impact of digital technology on pedagogy
  • The power of digital technologies in a pandemic
  • The value of Becta
  • Teaching and learning online
  • Using digital devices in the classroom

We plan to draw a digital book from the contributions …