MirandaNet Research

MirandaNet Research

MirandaNet Associate research reports produced by teachers, MirandaNet researchers and Associates working together using action research methods . These are applied in the MirandaNet iCatalyst programme where different participant perspectives are brought together for the mutual benefit of all:

  • teachers and senior managers gain a deeper and shared understanding of strategies they might adopt to introduce systemic change and improve pupil achievement. The agenda is generated by the staff and results can be used in their strategic planning as well as their reports to governors, Pupil Premium and OfSTED; teachers also gain accreditation and can publish for a global audience in a range of modes;
  • leaders, trainers and advisers are also supported in developing these action research programmes that draw on theory as well as practice;
  • company representatives who also join the projects as co-researchers gain professional development and valuable research and development information.

A learning company uses the knowledge gained through action research to improve their understanding of education and the relevance of their product or service for student learning. Research can also be a powerful useful way to gather marketing intelligence and concrete evidence of effectiveness that may contribute towards wider recognition through such things as industry awards.

Find out more about iCatalyst

If you are an associate who would like to discuss how to instigate a research programme for your company or organisation please go to the MirandaNet Associates page where there is a link to contact Professor Christina Preston.