Harnessing Technology funding 2009–10

Harnessing Technology funding 2009–10

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Guidance for local authorities

To ensure that investment in technology delivers benefits for children, young people and adult learners, the Government has asked Becta to lead the national Harnessing Technology strategy. The aim is to bring about a step change in the way technology is used across education and skills. Harnessing Technology is supported by the Harnessing Technology Grant – Standards Fund investment for schools totalling £639.5 million over three years, 2008 to 2011. This capital grant represents one source of funding for technology. Other sources of technology funding, particularly for recurring costs, are outlined below. Where technology is used well, evidence demonstrates that significant benefits for learners can be achieved. The Harnessing Technology Grant represents an important investment grant to support developments that will benefit all learners. However, delivering better outcomes by using technology to improve services requires determined and co-ordinated approaches at school, local and national levels, and local authorities have an important role to play. On 3 March 2009 Becta published its Harnessing Technology implementation plan for children, schools and families. This outlines specific goals and priorities for the sector and identifies actions that national and intermediary partners will together work to deliver in order to support change.

Publication Date: 2009

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You can download the full pdf HERE.

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