What the research says about interactive whiteboards

What the research says about interactive whiteboards

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This report is based on an analysis of current research about the use of interactive whiteboards in teaching and learning. It summarises the key findings and suggests resources for further reading.

An interactive whiteboard is a large, touch-sensitive board which is connected to a digital projector and a computer. The projector displays the image from the computer screen on the board. The computer can then be controlled by touching the board, either directly or with a special pen. There are a number of manufacturers of interactive whiteboards, offering a variety of specifications and capabilities at a range of prices.

Among the potential applications covered in this report are:

● using web-based resources in whole-class teaching
● showing video clips to help explain concepts
● demonstrating a piece of software

● presenting students’ work to the rest of the class

● creating digital flipcharts
● manipulating text and practising handwriting
● saving notes written on the board for future use

● quick and seamless revision.

Publication Date: 2003

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