Join our BETT20 research safaris…

Artificial realities for connecting classrooms

Led by Dr Helen Caldwell, Northampton University and Mark Frydenberg, Bentley University, US.
Chair: John Sibbald, Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association(TPEA)

Wednesday 22 Jan, 14:00 – 14:30

The use of artificial reality technologies to blend physical and digital learning environments presents powerful opportunities for international collaboration. We demonstrate innovative ways of using artificial realities such as virtual(VR), augmented(AR) and mixed reality for active, experiential learning: for example, 360 films of locations allowing pupils to develop empathy for environmental challenges in each others’ spaces. We show how collaboration is promoted when pupils design creative solutions for challenges they are jointly exploring: in one project Romanian and American students built VR experiences of cultural landmarks in USA/Romania; in another project students choose popular apps to create an AR scenario about their home country that they shared with their international partners. We have more examples of the creation of co-constructed digital artefacts to support collaboration between connected classrooms. This seminar will be followed immediately by a forty-five minute guided safari to discuss the opportunities with the relevant edtech companies.

Book your place here.

Digital opportunities for edtech professional development collaboratively or self-directed

Led by Elizabeth Hidson, Sunderland University
Chair: Professor Christina Preston Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association (TPEA)

Thursday 23 Jan, 11:45 – 12:15

Recent research has shown that teachers are resilient and proactive in the face of curriculum change (Hidson, 2018). We offer an exciting fast-track to the technologies most likely to offer impactful self-directed professional learning. We will start with an overview of key CPD strands available at the BETT show, highlighting the possibilities afforded by generic types of technology, before plotting a thematic route through a selection of products and services that provide CPD opportunities including micro-learning through video tutorials, developing communities of practice through social media and the use of edtech both inside and outside of the classroom. Other findings relate to web-enabled video technology to build professional capital through reflective practice, coaching and collaboration and e-portfolios for initial teacher education that help teachers to identify and address developmental needs, whilst helping course providers to support and monitor their progress. This seminar will be followed immediately by a forty five minute guided BETT20 safari to discuss the opportunities with the relevant edtech companies.

Book your place here.

Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all.

Led by Professor Sarah Younie and Raj Gill, De Montfort University
Chair: John Sibbald, Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association (TPEA)

Friday 24 Jan, 11:45 – 12:15

Research shows that digital technologies can have a profound impact on reluctant learners, those with learning difficulties and SEND pupils. We will present illustrations from research of the ways in which technologies can promote engagement and enhance learning for all: the value of EyeGaze for pupils with profound learning difficulties; online educational tools specifically designed to engage, motivate, and inspire pupils to meet and exceed many elements of the National Curriculum: a classroom App filled with automatic marking offering curriculum aligned Question Sets and immediate pupil feedback to supercharge learning and provide instant insight into lessons for effective intervention with pupils of all abilities. We will also show powerful findings for opportunities for teachers seeking to improve classroom behaviour using web-enabled video. This seminar will be followed immediately by a forty five minute guided BETT20 safari to discuss the opportunities with the relevant edtech companies.

Book your place here.