Coronavirus and ‘A Germ’s Journey’ International ProjectCoronavirus and ‘A Germ’s Journey’ International Project

The press release announcing this project begins:

“At the same time that the Coronavirus outbreak was being kept quiet in China, the Society for Applied Microbiology was publishing an article called ‘A Germ’s Journey’ documenting how scientists, teachers and teacher educators worked together, sharing their knowledge freely worldwide, to create a MESHGuide (an online knowledge map/research summary for teachers – to promote personal hygiene and cleanliness and stressing the importance of careful handwashing.”

To read more click here.

Since then resources and information have been added links to which are below.

They have made a short coronavirus documentary, which is only a few minutes long. All are welcome to use this resource. It links to all the other teaching resources around on handwashing, aimed at children.

For free posters to download, and a video song with step-by-step actions for handwashing for children, please see:

For some child friendly answers to questions around Covid19, please see this article we contributed to from TES:

Here is the direct link to the hand washing video:

They also have an associated MESHGUIDE that links to the research undertaken on teaching children about germ and virus transfer and the need to keep washing hands.

MESHGUIDEs (mapping education specialist know-how) gives teachers easy quick access to the resources and research behind this important topic – presented in an innovative online flowchart summary.

For an overview of the project click here.

For a press release on how schools and nurseries on the Isle of Wight are responding to an offer from Medina Books and Publishing of a free copy of their book about the importance of handwashing to get rid of germs click here.

Meet the Soaper Heroes! Curious? Click here to learn more.
To download a selection of ‘Soaper Heroes’ posters click here.