and Company Associate
Where do I start? I have had such a long and fruitful relationship as part of the MirandaNet community it is difficult for me to separate it from any part of my teaching career. I have been part of MirandaNet since the mid 1990s and have found it a most useful organisation and body of people to ask for advice or take part in various avenues when exploring how the use of technology in education can be used for the benefit of all involved.
Christina is without doubt the heart and soul of MirandaNet and her dedication, energy and enthusiasm, as well as being such a wonderful person has been a huge draw for a lot of people to become part of this global community. Over the years this has grown and developed into a resource that can be tapped into via the MirandaLink network. Topics come up regularly where contributions from a wide range to people connected in education turn it into an interesting piece of knowledge in its own right. In the past I have been involved in academic studies around e-learning and attended a number of seminars in the UK and abroad which have helped me understand the technology world and its impact on education. I count my time with MirandaNet as invaluable and it really does help me update my knowledge and keep me informed in a number of important areas of education.
MirandaNet has helped me in my various job roles as Head of ICT at Framlingham College, Oundle School and the Thomas Deacon Academy. I am now working as a director and consultant in education IT and am involved with a number of companies (ISQ International, Novatia plc, the Tablet Academy) in planning and running events for teachers across the country. I am also training teachers in the use of tablets. All these activities have been partially helped by what I read, hear about and see within the MirandaNet community.
MirandaNet is a unique community as far as I can see, it is free to enter as a teacher. It provides a base of support for people involved in education, either at the chalk face or in supporting roles providing services or products to help schools. It has an established base of members with considerable experience across the globe. It meets both online and in person throughout the year, and is am amazingly useful network for me to tap into when I need it or when I feel I can contribute in a small manner to a debate.
The day I joined MirandaNet has helped shape my knowledge and understanding or education in a more broad manner, and I am most grateful to Christina Preston for her active encouragement and support over these years.