Gaia Technologies
Through a well-earned reputation for innovation, commitment to customer care and an unrivalled track record for on-time and on-budget delivery of projects, Gaia has established itself as a trusted partner for schools. Formed in 1992, Gaia Technologies has become one of the leading providers of ICT solutions to UK schools. From its headquarters in Bangor, and with operational bases in Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff and London, Gaia currently looks after over 500 education customers.
Gaia’s Managed Services offer schools a valuable resource in managing and maintaining IT assets. Providing bespoke solutions, developed to meet the exact IT requirements of each school, the Company works to gain a deep understanding of the unique educational needs and goals of each school. This approach does not revolve around just selling the customer a product to meet their immediate needs, but aims to support the school’s development over a period of time. Gaia works with clients to address wider IT vision and to ensure that all support and maintenance needs are met.
In 2014 Gaia launched its CPD and Training service, through which it works to deliver strategic consultancy, training events and project-based professional learning. In 2015 Gaia entered into a partnership with MirandaNet to layer in teacher-led action research, so that we might better capture the impact of our professional learning and student engagement projects.

Gaia: 3D Technology at Ridgeway School
Closely linked with the CPD & training service is the work of Gaia’s Studio Service team. As well as having expertise in the supply of ICT services Gaia also maintains capacity to develop and innovate new technologies within the education sector. Gaia have a large team of programmers, video production specialists, graphic designers and 3D artists who work alongside schools to develop innovative digital content and promote use of media technologies .
As well as co-developing educational materials with its clients this team is also available to support innovation projects. Gaia IMPACT Projects are designed to promote professional learning for teachers and engage students through use of ICT. We have four primary areas of development, each with a distinct range of use in teaching and learning contexts: Talking Heads – interactive avatar technology; 3D learning software & resources; chroma key (green screen) video production and app creation.