First built by Mrs Bidwell in the 1940s to help her grandchildren understand peace, The Peace Room was made into a web resource through MirandaNet by Andrée Jordan and Frances Howlett. Used by many children and their teachers worldwide over the next fifteen years, debating who should be allowed in and creating persuasive biographies of their nominations while voting for biographies of others. The Peace Room is now being rewritten and will soon be back up on the internet for a new generation of children, who will be able to receive a World eCitizen certificate for nominating world contributors and having their nomination accepted into The Peace Room.
Who is worthy to be entered into the Peace Room? Someone who has made a positive difference to their home, their community, to the world? Who would you nominate?
Once the site is up and running, join in with the debate at wecitizens.co.uk
Until then, for latest updates: