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Join colleagues to inform edtech policy in the UK from the viewpoint of professionals

This is an invitation to edteech professionals in schools and colleges to contribute to two research surveys as well as articles for a series of two journals that are planned this year to record the professions’ views about how schools are coping with edtech policy currently, and how they would like policy to adapt and change when/ if a new government comes in.

The first volume of the journal now edited jointly by the Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association (TPEA) and Naace – the EdTech Association will concentrate on edtech in Schools in April 2024. The second edition in September 2024 will explore where edtech could develop in the opinion of the professionals who have contributed to the research. Both editions will also be the opinions of well-known experts in the field.

The context of these ambitious journal editions is the research being undertaken by TPEA and Naace. The members of these two professional organisations are educators specialising in edtech. Each organisation is conducting a major research campaign to be repeated yearly into different aspects of edtech in schools. The Naace research looks at edtech from the point of view of school management: the TPEA research looks at the curriculum from the point of view of the teacher.

Each report is expected to provide the government with an up-to-date picture of edtech in schools from two different perspectives. In this way government policies can be adjusted to the needs of pupils and their teachers as the years progress.

Educators with an interest in edtech are invited to reply to whichever research suits them best, or to both. Please invite your colleagues to contribute to this important piece of work which will be repeated annually.

The research surveys

The UK edtech curriculum: you can access the TPEA survey of the edtech curriculum here;

EdTech: Where are we now? This Naace research aims to benchmark how ready our schools are to enable improvement using technology across the 6 EdTech Elements; School Management, Teaching and Learning, Digital Safeguarding and more. Research is here:

Examples of MESH Guides mentioned on the homepage can be found here.

The journal

Opinion pieces: Please contact Professor Christina Preston if you can offer an article on these topics: 1,000-2,00 words in blog style.