The Ruffwood@Home Project

Dr Christina Preston

[divide margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″ color=”#a0a0a0″] Abstract Ruffwood School have loaned 100 brand new computers and printers to students and their families living in the Northwood neighbourhood of Kirkby. In the near future they will also receive a web camera and free …

Digital Opportunities

Dr Christina Preston

[divide margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″ color=”#a0a0a0″] Abstract The Digital Opportunities project explores strategies to bridge the digital divide. Students have been provided with notebook computers by Toshiba, and a web-based publishing and learning environment by Oracle. The students are encouraged to develop …

Taking a Frog Home

Dr Christina Preston

A brief paper about young children’s emerging literacy and their use of ICT… [divide margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″ color=”#a0a0a0″]   Abstract In this paper the authors present a pilot study which started in august 2005 in a primary school in the bilingual …