MirandaNet Blog
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Testimonial – Doug Brown, Former Head of ICT in Schools, DfE

Rob Ellis

Testimonial – Doug Brown, Former Head of ICT in Schools, DfE

I can honestly say that although I do not often personally contribute to a debate or discussion, I have found MirandaNet a very useful barometer of what is concerning the Educational Technology community and have a great deal of respect for the members – both those I have met and comments from those I only know virtually.

I  listened to MirandaNet colleagues when I led the ICT in Schools section at the Department of Education, and although I can not say that any communication directly affected policy, I know that I was often influenced in my thinking by discussions I observed.

Now as a consultant to multinationals and international governments, I still note MirandaNet topics with interest and am very glad to be a Fellow.