Show my Homework (SMHW)

Show My Homework

Show My Homework

Designed by an assistant head teacher, Naimish Gohil, Show my Homework (SMHW) provides a solution to the inconsistency and inefficiency that occur when homework systems are not well organised in school. The fact that SMHW was designed to be as simple as possible was important because all the stakeholders, pupils, teachers and parents were able to become proficient quickly.

SMHW are associates of MirandaNet and wanted to work with teachers to improve their product. MirandaNet Fellows analysed the results from more than twenty case studies that focused on the online homework package. The MirandaNet team then worked closely with staff parents and children at the Phoenix College, a member of the Riddlesdown Collegiate in Riddlesdown , Purley.

A key benefit revealed by the research is that pupils and parents can see what homework they have to hand in and when. Most pupils enjoy seeing the clear plan of what homework is due when and recognise that this is helping them organise their time. Teachers say the work is handed in more regularly and the ‘excuses’ culture has largely dissipated. Within a year the service was been embedded into the school culture and all those interviewed wanted to extend the use of the online package.

What emerges from the in-depth study of one school is that the provision of a well-designed product like SMHW can raise the confidence of the stakeholders in the value of online working across the school community. This is a catalyst to broader learning and a more positive conversation about school assignments in general.

But there is a bigger picture too that reflects the ways in which schools are coordinating their practice with the wider world. SMHW counts as one of the innovations that underpins a revolution in teaching and learning by bringing learning at home and at school together. For example, the software facilitates the teaching method of ‘flipped learning’, independent learning where pupils find out about a topic for homework and bring their knowledge into the classroom for debate and further work with their peers and teacher.

See the full report (PDF).

See the Show My Homework Associate Page