Emerging Use of ICT for Teaching and Learning in Schools of Pakistan

Emerging Use of ICT for Teaching and Learning in Schools of Pakistan

Emerging Use of ICT for Teaching and Learning in Schools of Pakistan.

Tazmeen Sultan, City School Pakistan


Tazmeen Sultan is part of the Educational Technology team at the City School, Lahore, Pakistan. Her responsibilities include facilitating the effective use of computers and other instructional technology programs at the regional and school level, assisting in the development of short- and long-range plans (Projects) for the integration of technology across the curriculum. Furthermore, she also implements and coordinates staff development and training for the purpose of Technology Integration. In this case study she explains how she introduced computers in the school and experimented with the value of ICT in her lessons, opening new pathways for her learners, stimulating their imagination for thinking and giving  way to student centred learning approach through ICT in her classrooms.  She also uses ICT for assessment, designing tasks through online help where her learners could get instant feedback in a more stimulating way. The progress of her learners is often monitored through graphical analysis, after recording their assessment marks. These graphs were then shared with the parents through e-folios. Presently, she is working with the department team on online assessments in schools, which would be more practical and hands on. This reflective account of her professional activities in promoting and modelling the value of ICT in teaching and learning is an impressive story and one with which many practitioners in the field can identify.

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